Having held a strong career in office managerial and PA positions previously, Sonja was seeking her next step. After a fantastically positive telephone interview, we invited Sonja in for a face to face meeting, where we could explore further and gain a clear understanding of Sonja’s work history & career aspirations. She was hoping to work for a company where her input was key, where she could really make a difference and have an impact. Once this essential information was sought, we were able to introduce Sonja to a new client of Courtney Recruitment, who was seeking to replacement a long-standing employee who had recently resigned. We knew that it would be a challenge, finding a person to replace such a key member of our clients small team, who had been instrumental in managing a vast array of tasks and responsibilities for over a decade, however Sonja was such a strong candidate, and her personal goals and her qualities matched extremely well with the qualities sought by the client, so we were certain that she would be well received by our client.
The client shortlisted Sonja after the 1st stage interview, but felt that he needed some help with making the decision. It was at this stage we were able to offer a range of options, including the use of online Psychometric Profile Analyses via Thomas International for all shortlisted candidates. These help employers to understand individual working styles and motivations, and to assess how people would adapt to a certain work situation. These resulted in detailed reports which really helped our client with the decision-making process. We also discussed options for the 2nd stage of the interview process, suggesting they hold these interviews off site, in a more relaxed environment, allowing for a slightly less formal style of meeting. We talked about what the client was hoping to be able to find out at 2nd stage, and understanding this, we offered to create some tailored competency based interview questions for him to use, which he was very pleased with.
It was after this 2nd stage that the client opted to offer the role to Sonja, where she is currently doing an outstanding job. She loves the role and our client is extremely impressed by her.
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